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Welcome to the State of Florida's Sunshine Spending website. This site provides information about state disbursements to vendors. Using this site, you may search and view the totals of payments made to each vendor and/or recipient during each fiscal year beginning with fiscal year 2005. The information is based on the state's fiscal cycle, which runs from July 1 of the prior year through June 30 of the fiscal year. Fiscal years are referenced by the year in which the fiscal year ends, e.g. fiscal year 2015 begins on July 1, 2014, and ends on June 30, 2015. Information for prior fiscal years will not change after the close of the fiscal year. The current fiscal year's information is updated at the close of each business day.

To initiate a search, enter at least the first three characters of a vendor name, select a fiscal year from the selection box and click "GO." The search will return a list of all vendors for the selected fiscal year whose vendor name begins with the characters entered in the search box. Click on a specific vendor to obtain a list of total payments to that vendor during the fiscal year. Click on the vendor's yearly payment total to access a screen that provides payment totals by state agency. On this screen, click on a specific state agency to view the payment details screen. The payment details screen displays detailed information regarding each payment and includes an agency contact telephone number for questions regarding specific payments.

Site Disclaimer

Information presented on this website is collected, maintained, and provided for the citizens of Florida to monitor, understand, and participate in our state's government. While every effort is made to keep such information accurate and up-to-date, the information presented is unaudited. The State of Florida may make changes to information at any time to add or update the information provided. The information provided has been produced from sources believed to be reliable; however, the State of Florida makes no warranty, express or implied, regarding the accuracy, completeness, or usefulness of the information presented. Each person using this website should make his/her own determinations as to how suitable the information is for his/her particular use or purpose. Under no circumstances shall the State of Florida or its employees be held liable for any actions taken, proper or improper, incorrect use of, or omissions made from reliance on any information contained herein.

Excluded Information

The following payment information is excluded from this website:

  • Employee Salaries (which may be found at www.floridahasarighttoknow.com)
  • Retirement payments
  • Unemployment Compensation payments
  • Public Assistance payments
  • Any other payments marked by the custodial agency as confidential

Public Information and Additional Documentation

All of the information on this site is a public record and is extracted from public records within the custody of the State of Florida in accordance to the Florida Public Records Act (Chapter 119, Florida Statutes). However, there may be additional public records regarding or related to this information. Any additional public records, as well as official copies of all referenced public records, can be obtained by making a public records request to the appropriate agency that is the custodian of the official public record. To make a public records request, please, contact the custodial agency through the Agency Contact Number included with the vendor information or through the Agency Open Government Contact available at: www.flgov.com/open-government-contacts-by-agency.